Local Expertise

Peru has over 1,200 km of coastline, with more than 20 main port terminals along its coast.
In Peru, we have berthing and unberthing operations for ships at the Miskymayo mining terminal and the Petroperu oil & gas terminal.

We also assist with berthing and unberthing maneuvers at multi-buoy terminals and Peru’s main ports.

We also participated in special operations to contain an oil spill, playing an important role in containing an ecological disaster.

We have also provided towing services for ships and barges.

We have a qualified, trained professional team that works to high safety standards.

The Albatros is the newest and most modern tug in Peru.


We are

  • 1- Callao
  • 2- La Pampilla
  • 3- Conchán
  • 4- Boyavar
  • 5- Matarani
  • 6- Mollendo
  • 7- Paita
  • 8- Pisco
  • 9- Salaverry